Sunday, February 15, 2009

So You Think United Couldn't Suck Even More...

united airlines ends customer service in india
Well you would be wrong. We just read on Black Book that United Airlines has decided in the best of interest of their passengers to terminate their customer service call center in India. Said their rep:

“We did a lot of research, we looked into it, and people who e-mail or write us are more satisfied with our responses.”

Now I'll be the first to admit that customer service out of India is rarely helpful (nothing at all against Crew Member Tandori's countrymen, it's just hard to provide support in something other than your native language), but it's still nice to have the option of picking up the phone and berating someone in real-time. Those crafty guys at Black Book did point out that you could always just call the reservation line and tear those poor souls a new one if you really feel like venting.

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