Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Eat at a Thai Treehouse

eat at thai treepod soneya kiri six senses
I still have fond memories as a kid playing in my buddy's tree house.  His parents built it with a zipline setup that ran the entire length of the backyard.  It was awesome.  But perhaps not as awesome as the treepod at Thailand's Soneya Kiri By Six Senses resort where up to four diners can enjoy a great jungle-themed cuisine 16 feet in the air among the native massang trees.  Don't worry, you won't have to actually climb up a tree to get to your bird's nest.  Instead, the whole contraption is hoisted up and the servers will reach you via zipline.  Oh, and btw, the rest of the luxury resort is pretty fabulous too.

via Hotel Chatter  

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