Saturday, October 30, 2010

LaCie Starck Hard Drive

We're a believer that the pursuit of sexiness should apply to everything in life, including something as functional as an external hard-drive.  We recently recieved the review below from Facebook friend Callie C.  It was just too damn cute not to publish as is (just to be clear, we don't talk like this but she does and she can get away with it cause she's a little hottie).

"You know Phillppe Starck?  He's the hottest designer.  Not right now, but with lasting power.  He came up with the design for Katsuya and leads the branding for a lot of the SBE clubs/nightlife/entertainment/restaurant.
Well, puppy turning into a tech dork.  He teamed up with LaCie.  I think they only do hard drives.  But LaCie is the "sexier" manufacturer in this arena.  Well, they teamed up with Phillippe Starck on the design of the external hard drives.  Kinda dorky, i know...but really pretty sexy products.  Put it this way, I was going to buy the 500 gig Starck/LaCie external hard drive for $120, when I can get a 500 gig external hard drive for $70/$80.  Of course, Noches didn't do it, but I really wanted to."

There you go.  Listen to Callie and buy yourself a LaCie|Stark hardrive.

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