Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Red Butler

red butler
We used to have a friend, let's call him The Pod, who was the cheapest bastard on the planet. We finally booted him out of the group since we got sick of dealing with his frugal antics which included never bringing his wallet whenever we went out (so we would cover his portion and he would conveniently forget to pay us back), and breaking out coupons wherever we would go.

The one upside about having an uber-cheapo around is that we could use him as cheap labor. Need some food? Just promise The Pod that he could order the $1.99 special and he'll run and get food in the middle of the night. It was great to have our own personal bitch. Well now that The Pod is no longer around, we need someone else to handle our menial tasks.

Enter Red Butler. While they aren't available to go pick up Chinese food at midnight, they do provide a number of concierge and personal assistant services such as making reservations at that restaurant hot spot or booking a last minute flight to Hawaii. Unlike other services that charge by the hour, Red Butler has a flat monthly rate that entitles you to a set number of "requests". Every time you make a requests by phone, text, or email, a request credit gets deducted from your account. Service is available 24/7 by US-based individuals so you won't have someone from Bangalore accidentally booking you a flight to Tokyo when all you wanted was reservations for Nobu. Basic memberships costs $36.95 per month for 15 requests and VIP memberships will set you back $165.95 per month which gets you 100 requests. Along with your membership, you also get discounts to selected restaurants, bars, and stores simply by showing your personal Red Butler card.

So if you don't have your own Pod, get yourself some service at


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