Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ecco Ultra Lounge

ecco ultra lounge
Proof that the Green Movement has gone a bit nutty, comes what may be the World's first Green night club: Ecco Ultra Lounge in Hollywood. So what makes a club Green? Well, they offer free valet for anyone driving a hybrid, all the drinks and food are likely organic and/or free-range, and much of the interior is made of recycled or eco-friendly materials.

Now we're all for being Green, but honestly, isn't there something a bit pretentious about a bunch of Hollywood clubber-types pulling up in their Priuses thinking they're somehow doing the World a favor by chowing down on some Dolphin-safe Tune croquettes and downing drinks made of organic gin? I'm sure all the hot air emanating from the club will somehow contribute to global warming.

via urbandaddy.com

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