Think you're a baller now that you're making six figures? Ummm...no. Well, at least not in New York City where an annual income of $123K will only get you into the Middle Class crowd. The cost of living in NYC is simply staggering where the average apartment rental is $2800 and the cost of buying said apartment would set you back $1.4 million. Not to mention all the "incidental" expenses that can easily add up like tips and taxi rides. The last time I was in the Big Apple for a combo business/pleasure trip, I maxed out my ATM withdrawal each and every one of the four days that I was there. That was on top of the monster credit card charges for meals, clubs and shopping. Of course, there's a reason why NYC is so expensive: it's a great city with lots of fun and exciting things to do. So maybe you and your six-figure salary will simply be a common Joe in New York, but that beats being a rich Joe the Plumber in Ohio any day.
via cbsnews.com/photo via nycblog.citysearch.com
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