It's a source of either great pride or shame that I've dated two strippers in my life. OK, that's just false modesty...it's with great pride that I proclaim that I've dated two strippers in my life. While expensive, sometimes complicated, and at the end of both relationships resulted in lots of tears (theirs, not mine), they were both adventures that I'm glad to have experienced once, or rather twice in my life.
Guys often have warped views of strippers, thinking that they're nothing but hedonistic, gold-digging, nymphomaniacs. Now granted, some are for sure, but most are really just fairly normal girls who have the same insecurities, quirks and desires that any normal girl would have; they just happen to show their ta-tas and coochies to strange men for money.
If you're curious about girl behind the stripper persona, check out this Q&A by those crack journalists at Black Book Magazine who recently went out to their local Rick's Cabaret to get a more personal insight into the lives of New York City strippers: where do they like to party, what's their favorite restaurant, do their parents know they strip for a living? All things inquiring minds want to know.
If you've dated a stripper or are a stripper, post a comment and share with us your experience.
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