Friday, November 21, 2008

F*ck the Recession

fuck the recession morgans hotel
Fuck the Recession. Fuck it hard, call it an ugly whore, then kick it out of bed. That's what we think of the current global malaise that is turning everyone into cheap, frugal bastards and that is why we were thrilled to see the latest guerrilla marketing campaign by Morgans Hotel Group. If you're not familiar with MHG, you surely know about their luxe hotel properties including the Mondrian in Los Angeles and the Delano in Miami. In addition to operating some of the sexiest destinations in the world, or maybe because of it, MHG is leading the defense of the good life in the face of shrinking balance sheets and calls for moderation. It is a battle that we think is well worth fighting.

Unfortunately for MHG, all the major media outlets found their F-bomb campaign to be a bit inappropriate so you won't be seeing their "Fuck the Recession" ads or this clever open letter to Recession in any of your favorite rages. Fortunately, we don't answer to a bunch of pussies so we're happy to publish MHG's ad in all its offensive glory. "Whatever to defiance?", asks MHG. Well, we're happy to report that it's alive and kicking here at G Luxe.

Go to to see the rest of their campaign.

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