Don't the morality police have anything better to do than protect us from *gasp* Eva Mendes' nipples? As an American citizen, I'm pretty peeved that I can't gander at her lovely breasts in between Scrubs reruns. This wonderfully titillating Calvin Klein commercial has been banned from American television because of something like two milliseconds worth of nipple. Truly retarded.
Here's a great quote by creative director Fabian Baron:
“It’s such a joke and it’s quite upsetting, frankly, how hypocritical this country has become. It’s OK for children to see people killed by guns? Spreading a little love right now would be a good idea.
“She is being a little sexy, but they are not provocative,” added Baron. “They are really well done. The spot is really beautiful — I really can’t believe this is happening.…I don’t know what else to say.”
via gawker.com
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