Thursday, March 12, 2009

Michael's Resignation

Do you: 1) hate the credit crunch, 2) dream of someday becoming a movie producer, and 3) still have some spare cash despite said credit crunch? Well then, you should help out Alex Cameron as he seeks to raise £50,000 for a "dark Tarantino-esque psychological thriller" he plans on making called Michael's Resignation. The story is based on an ex-soldier who goes on a rampage after being laid-off and finding out that his girlfriend has been cheating on him. Sounds interesting enough, but the real cool thing is how Cameron plans on raising the money to make the movie. He is selling 50,000 shares for £1 to the general public with a minimum investment of only £10. Now of course investing in a movie is generally a financially risky proposition, but considering the state of the markets today, it's probably just as safe as that BofA CD of yours.


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