Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I Love Obama But This Pisses Me Off

obama $75 billion foreclosure plan
I understand politically why he needs to try to save “homeowners" (which, btw, if you have an interest-only loan, you're not owning anything, you're renting). I understand that if all these [bleeps] all foreclosed and went under our current economic crisis would last longer. But what a load of [bleeping] crock that $75 billion of our [bleeping] tax dollars is being used to bailout a bunch of [bleeps] who just a couple years ago were bragging about their Trump-like real-estate moves. Personally, I don’t give a rat’s [bleep] if all those people foreclosed and if the country remains in a recession for the next few years. Since I DID NOT figure it was a smart idea to lever up 20:1 on a [bleeping] million dollar track home, I actually have reserves to wait out the storm and would love to buy all these cheap assets at 10 cents on the dollar.

So it’s a foregone conclusion that all these [bleeping] monkeys will be bailed out. All I can hope for is that we include a BIG [BLEEPING] STICK to go along with the lifeline. For any [bleep] that takes advantage of the bailout, they should have to sign an agreement stating that they will never pull this kind of [bleep] again. Specifically, they should be prevented from purchasing another home within the next five years or before they retake high school to brush up on some remedial math and common sense. If they are to purchase another home, they are required to put 20 percent of the home value as a down payment, and none of these asinine second loan on the down payment nonsense. They will only be permitted to buy a home with a purchase price no greater than 3 times their annual income. This will prevent the Starbucks barista from buying a half million dollar house on a 10 dollar an hour salary. You make 10 bucks an hour, you rent [bleeper bleeper]. Lastly, if they end up selling their future home at a profit, they will get taxed on the gain at an 80 percent rate to pay back for the bailout they received earlier.

[Bleep] me.


Anonymous said...

Get a clue. Obummer sucks. You're witnessing the full bananification of the USA.

Anonymous said...

Got to love trollers...The GW posse already turned this country into one big banana plant so not sure how much more "bananification" can be done.

Anonymous said...

Wake up "Bleeper", with property taxes NOBODY owns a home in America, we ALL rent from the STATE. If you doubt me, try not paying your property tax, you'll see a quicker eviction than if it was a crack house.