Bikers piss me off. I don't mean the Ducati or Harley riders, I mean those spandex wearing motherfuckers that always get in my way on the road. Bikers have the right-of-way my ass. The 300 horses powering my one ton car says otherwise. Unfortunately, the rest of the G Luxe Crew and many of my closest friends don't share my contempt of bikers and they themselves enjoy pedaling for endless miles despite the fact that the combustion engine has been in existence for more than a century. If you insist on riding a bike, make sure its on something as sexy as this Bad Boy by bike maker Cannondale and trendy designer G-Star. I don't know and I don't care what makes it a good performing bike but I can tell you that it looks pretty damn cool. Nevertheless, get the hell out of my way when you're riding or I will clip you.
Hatin on cyclist, not Asian cyclists since I'm Asian!
I know, dude, I am, too. Nevermind, hate all you want, it's your site...
Well hate IS such a strong word...ok, i actually only hate the tights...you'll have to agree with me on that one? Regardless, thanks for stopping and I do appreciate the comments.
I give cyclist the right of way in general. They are riding for health or transportation. It is a strugle and can be demanding and traffic can be very hostile and intimidating. Slowing down a little, giving the cyclist a little room is so easy for the driver and a kind gesture that dosn't go unnoticed by cyclist.
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