Capitalism and entrepreneurism: two hallmarks of this great nation that has been under pressure lately, what with all this bailout nonsense. After reading this article in the New York Times, it's great to know that entrepreneurs still exist in this country, even if its in the neighborhoods of Brooklyn, specifically the neighborhoods of Greenpoint, Williamsburg and Bushwick.
Hyperbodega.com is a delivery service started by a couple of enterprising hustlers - the legit type - that caters to providing folks in their neighborhood all the essentials they may need between the hours of 10:30PM to 4:30PM. And by essentials, we mean beer, cigarettes, condoms, sandwiches, basically anything you can find in a bodega if you're hungry, thirsty, or horny. And what is a bodega you might ask? We had to look it up ourselves and found out that it's basically like a mini-mart/liquor store.
The service works like this: you place an order on their site. They call you back and negotiate a price depending on the difficulty of your order and the distance of your home, building in about a 20 percent profit into the final tab. They'll pick up your stuff at the local bodega and deliver the goods to your home where you'll pay the delivery guy cash money.
According to co-founder Abe Jellinek (or Mr. Jellinek as he prefers to be called):
“I do capitalize on the laziness of people. Some people are artists; others are schemers and dreamers. The end product is, it’s a luxury, like a concierge service for Bushwick.”
And there it is, why we're showcasing Hyper Bodega on G Luxe: because they're providing a bit of luxury to the fine folks of Brooklyn. Props to you guys and we hope your business is a success.
HyPERBODEGA is my joint! yooo!
The night of the Super Bowl I ordered like a week suply of snacks, 2 -6-packs of heinekins & a pack of newports. My total came wiht the hyperbodega charge came to only $45. My buddies and I threw in a few extra bucks for the dude brought my goods.
Props to my boy on the bike. He was mad chill. We offered him a beer, but He was all business. Gettin orders txt-d to him nonstop.
I didn't miss 1 minute of the game. either.
I'm definately, hittin up these dudes again.
Next time, Dude from Hyperbodega.
That last one is pretty cryptic. no?
"Next time, Dude from Hyperbodega..."
Dude be careful. There are alotta of sickos out there (See Pulp Fiction).
You service Rocks.
I love how you'll go to both the korean deli for organics and the on Flushing Bodega for authentic plantain chips & salsa +(cheaper beer). <3
radical. Hyperbodega makes me fell 'at home at home', not an easy task in da whick.
i wish they would expand to the upper east side.
do it!!
ill be you poster child.
& i can write clever haiku for your adverts
Radical Dudes From
Hyperbodega Bulldoze
Boulevards just for me.
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