Thursday, December 18, 2008

Auto Bailout Plan: Buy BMW

Here is the G Luxe auto bailout plan:

Increase the amount of the bailout to $30 billion dollars. Set up a new company and fund it with $25 billion. Have it go make a non-solicit bid with the funds for BMW, which currently has a market cap of around $20 billion, and is not only making money, but recently reported that it's year-to-date sales have increased by 50 percent. Tell the Crap Three and their inept management and whiny, spoiled union workers to go fuck off. Use the remaining $5 billion of the bailout to fund top public universities in states that have significant Crap Three presence to offer free tuition to rank-and-file employees to get retrained in something other than how to make crappy cars. Tuition would only be reimbursed for employees that get actual majors. Philosophy and Sociology don't count since we don't need more unemployable people in the work force.

What would be the result of this brilliant plan? America would have a car company that didn't suck balls, tax payers would actually be investing their money in a promising company versus flushing it down the toilet as with the recent plans that were contemplated by Congress, and we would have a new crop of workers that have skills that are actually applicable in the 21st century.

Please forward to your local Congressman.

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