Is Craigslist a bit too "Blue Light Special" for you? We understand. If your taste in decor has moved beyond IKEA but you're not ready to pay absurd boutique prices, there may be a solution for you at lushpad.com.
Based in Vancouver B.C., Canada, Lushpad is an online marketplace that caters to collectors of modern furniture and fine art. Whether you're looking to buy or sell original pieces or unlicensed look-alikes, Lushpad provides you with access to buyers and sellers of like-minded enthusiasts. Their website is clean and easy to navigate with none of the clutter you find on eBay and much easier on the eyes than Craigslist. And for fees, we found their pricing structure fairly reasonable. Want ads are free as well as For Sale ads up to $250, $8 for items between $250-$800, and $12 for items over $800. And like any good website, they've also got a blog.
via trendhunter.com
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