Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Perfect Cup of Coffee

According to Crew Member Drewsky, he drinks his coffee black because, "That's how commandos drink their coffee". A couple years ago, we were at the Big Smoke cigar event in Las Vegas and I happened to be at the beverage station with our buddy Doug who served as a Navy SEAL for six years (i.e. he's a real commando). After he served himself a cup of coffee, he proceed to pour in some cream and added a couple spoons of sugar. When I asked him why a SEAL would take his coffee with cream and sugar, he replied, "because it taste good". Sorry Drewsky, you're no commando...ha ha!

So for those of you who don't have delusions of being a special forces soldier, here is my recipe for the perfect delicious cup of joe:

First, you need a French press. For some reason, coffee just tastes better made in this simplest of contraptions. Personally I use this 12 oz press by Bodum.

Next comes the coffee. Now, keep in mind that I really like my coffee strong so I use four heaping table spoons of coffee grinds for a single cup of coffee (yes, four you pussy). I also like my coffee with a hint of chocolate to it so I usually use Godiva ground coffee (regular coffee, not the flavored stuff) or Peet's Arabian Mocha-Java.

Pour in a cup of hot water (not boiling), stir briefly, then let it steep for exactly four minutes.

In a cup, add exactly one packet of sugar in the raw and mix in two table spoons of French vanilla creamer.

Once the coffee is done steeping, pour into the cup (no need to stir), light up your favorite cigar and enjoy.

1 comment:

ALT - [f r a m e s] said...

Oh, please...

The perfect cup of coffee has French Vanilla creamer?