As a lover of coffee and all things sexy, here is a trend taking hold in Seattle that we hope starts spreading throughout the country (especially here in SoCal). Sexpressos are drive-through coffee stands that are staffed by scantily-clothed baristas. How the hell this phenomena started in chilly Seattle is beyond us, but we have to give much props to our friends in the Pacific Northwest for coming up with such a brilliant yet simple idea.
Most of the girls working at the sexpressos make minimum wage, but with tips o'plenty, these lovely ladies can bring home up to $150 per day, presumably significantly more than their Starbucks counterpart. Speaking of Starbucks, with all the problems they've been having recently, perhaps Howard Schultz and company should consider changing their business model to incorporate less breakfast sandwiches (they suck) and more skin.
If you're interested in opening up your own local sexpresso, Cowgirls Espresso has franchise opportunities. The G Luxe Crew is thinking beyond sexpressos: can you say sexboba?
via cbsnews.com
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