Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Opportunity Green's Room 367

Opportunity Green's Room 367
Can you be business-minded and green at the same time? Sure you can. Check out Opportunity Green's Room 367 which our friend Callie Calimlim is helping launch on Tuesday, May 7th at the Architecture and Design museum in Los Angeles. Room 367 is a gathering designed for young green-minded professionals to network on a business level and interact on a social level with other like-minded individuals who are interested in the growing marketplace of being green and being profitable. You can purchase tickets at room367.eventbrite.com for $20 ($25 at the door). The event will have an open bar, DJ and organic hor d'ouvres. Speakers will be announced soon. Check it out. Callie is cute so the $20 is worth it just to meet her.

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