There are lots of places on the Web where you can read about the technical merits of the Tiberius T9 Elite paintball gun. There are a number of well-written reviews that discuss the T9's amazing accuracy or ease of use. But honestly, all we cared about was how absolutely pimp this paintball gun (or marker in paintball parlance) looks. Just imagine laying down precision fire with your T9 as your teammates charge the flag bunker. The base T9 can be armed with a scope which not only approves accuracy but makes you that much more of a OG. You can purchase the T9 Elite at Extremez.com for around $480.
1 comment:
PARENTAL ADVISORY NOTICE: Do not let your Boyz N Tha Hood wanna be gang colors wearing rug rat out of the house with this gun in any urban neighborhood unless it is securely concealed in a bag. The local conferderate flag patch law enforcement agency will shot on sight or better yet suspiscion.
Ya know, I'm still pissed off at my father for breaking my MP9 amphibious assualt watergun rifle in flat black. He said it was unsafe for me to play with or take to school? Go figure, what woulda be wrong with me taking a life like replica of the special forces assualt rifle to show n tell? It was just a watergun. Maybe thats why I'm jaded.
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