Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sushi at Masa only $400

masa new york lowers price to $400
As the "cup is half full" type of people, we tend to look at the positive side of things, including the current economic mess we're all in. For those who still have good jobs, didn't blow their entire wad on a million dollar track home, or avoided handing over their entire net worth to some guy name Madoff, there are great deals to be had on luxury stuff.

Take for example the three Michelin star Japanese restaurant Masa located in New York city, which is famous not only for their outstanding sushi, but also the eye-popping cost of their dinners. Well it seems with the legions of bankers now collecting unemployment checks, even an institution like Masa also needs to make certain concessions in this economic environment. They have just recently reduced the price of their omakase dinners from $450 to a bargain basement price of $400. What a deal. Masa's business manager claims the drop in price reflects the cheaper cost of flying the fresh fish in from Japan, and not the recession. Whatever. Even at the lower price, expect to still spend about a grand for dinner for two.


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